Visit our collection of spiritual and astrology sites!

Rob Brezsny's Free Will Astrology

Rob has been on the web, well, since there has been a web to be on. One of our leaders in the field, Rob's insights and comentary are well worth the read. Also offers horoscopes, and articles from other well known astrologers.

An extremely simple, uncluttered, clean daily horoscope site. Fast-loading and nicely laid out. Been around a long time and I personally consider it very high quality. Good Job Daily Horoscopes!

Starlight Astrology
Starlight Astrology!

Starlight Astrology is one of the best astrology web-sites I have seen so far (save my own :). I highly recommend a visit to this well written site! I look for this site to grow, and it is definitely one to watch.

Here is an excerpt from their site:
Featuring complete, comprehensive sun sign and planet information with huge compatibility area. Check out your daily and weekly horoscopes ~~~~ take the Lovers Quiz. Learn about your business partners, relationships, your place in the zodiac signs. read the Great birthstone debate ~~~~ learn amazing facts about starstones and birthstones!

Visit Angelink: Your internet connection to the

Angelink is committed to helping further humanity's understanding of angels as well as educating mankind about the angel's dedication to our evolution. We will not ask you to build buildings, form committees, or show up on time for services. Our mission is to help you gain a clearer understanding of your own connection with God and a closer insight into your perception of God.

Mystical World Wide Web

Mystical World Wide Web (Mystical-WWW) has been set up as a service to share and collate information from topics that are related to the Mystical World in which we live. The word "Mystical" is used here in reference to any strange phenomena that science as yet cannot fully explain. Mystical-WWW exists as a database and an interactive journal/ezine or EBook and aims to facilitate the search for individual knowledge and a greater global understanding of the world in which we live, purely from a positive non-harmful position.

Mumbo Jumbo
Try it! You will like it!

This e-zine is on the lighthearted side of things. An interesting site with a unique perspective. Not really what you would expect to find on this page as far as paranormal and spiritual goes, or is it? Here is an excerpt from their "about" page:

"Somehow, it's not surprising that as we merged from one ancient culture to the next, the sacred mumbo jumbos, the objects and rituals that were intended to protect us and inspire us are now viewed as silly and incomprehensible.
So, our "gibberish" will keep that vein in mind. We will address things leading edge and ancient, high tech and high touch, serious and silly, social commentary and self-actualization."

Seems worth a look to me....

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