Compatibility For Gemini with Virgo

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For constant bliss this in not a good combination. With Mercury ruling both signs, this may prove to much over the long pull. In Gemini , Mercury is calculating and logical; in Virgo it is critical and demanding. Gemini's ever-present desire for change would be much for the realistic Virgo. One point for the two to be compatible would be the desire for good clothes, cleanliness, mutual desire for friends and associates who are engaged in intellectual and artistic pursuits. Through these channels many Gemini-Virgo combinations are formed.

You wouldn't expect anything in common here but both signs are ruled by mercury, so there is an equal nature in mental stimulation, social drive and business. If virgo can put up with the seemingly hair-brained schemes of gemini, and if gemini can deal with virgo's critical eye, well, this could work.

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